One thing that we need to do is make some better demo worlds for
Interreality/3D.  Let's brainstorm some ideas; you can post your ideas
here or on the wiki:

At this stage, we don't neccesarily need extraordinary graphics (but of
course they would be appreciated), but we need stuff that shows what's
unique and interesting about Interreality and VOS.

This includes:
  * Worlds that incorporate external data somehow; e.g. graphical
visualization of external data.
  * Worlds that share data with other media by sharing Vobjects; e.g.
important values in the 3D objects also show up in a webpage
  * Worlds with objects that can easily be rearranged and played with if
we were to add some simple controls in TerAngreal to drag objects
around, maybe a GUI to change their properties, etc.
  * Worlds where objects react to your presence in an
interesting/intelligent manner
  * Worlds that contain some kind of intelligent agent that tells you
things about VOS and Interreality (using typical chatbot technology),
since right now it's unlikely that you'll encounter anyone in the world.

I have several ideas that I'll write up on the wiki page in a bit.  What
are some of yours?

After we get a big list of ideas and talk about them, let's choose a few
(three? four?) to focus on implementing.

Implementation will be done via omnivos plugins, as well as adding
whatever required features to TerAngreal.


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