>You're stopping at board games? Well, I know a lot of people in the
>states are infatuated with card games and nascar right now. But why
>not have an entire arcade, with not only games that would be
>considered gambling, but 3d interpretations of Pong, Space Invaders,

Right on.  One thing I had though about whiles back was coupling MAME 
(Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator?) directly into the space.  MAME case you 
don't know plays all the old arcade games directly from the original ROM.  
Anyhow, in this way you could have a real 80s style arcade, maybe have a 
pool table in there as well? :)

But that brings me to another question, can you import output from some 
graphics buffer directly into CrystalSpace?  Such a technique could be used 
to import all sort of already built apps, like a web browser.

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