Hi Laura,

My apologies, I did not read your reply closely enough and because the body
of your reply came through in black text, I missed that the blue text (in
specific response to the steps) was also part of your same reply.

Regards (in much embarassment)

Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 19/1/10 2:54 PM, Laura Webb at el...@iinet.net.au wrote:

> Hi Neil
> Thanks. I take your point.
>  I thought I was doing exactly what you suggest. Rod was already aware of "the
> problems I was having" which is the reason he responded to my initial post on
> this issue.  I did go through his email step by step with comments about what
> I had done, at least that's what I thought I had done!
> Your input is much appreciated.
> Regards
> Laura
> On 19/01/2010, at 1:56 PM, Neil Houghton wrote:
> Hi Laura,
> Sorry, I have no experience/help to offer in this area.
> However, I do have a couple of suggestions to make regarding how you are
> attempting to solve this and use the list:
> Rather than saying something like ³I'm still having problems²  give details on
> just WHAT problems you are encountering (and when) ­ it helps people to help
> you.
> If someone like Rod or Ronni has suggested a step-by-step procedure, then go
> through it and then report back which steps you successfully completed and at
> which step you encountered a problem ­ and exactly what the problem was.
> The more specific the info you provide and the better you describe your
> problems, the more likely someone on the list will recognise exactly what your
> problem is and how to fix it.
> Just my 2c worth ­ but that has certainly been my experience.
> Regards
> Neil

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