On the terminal tip without needing to copy and paste.

1) Open Up terminal or even better iTerm
2) cd to Applications i.e cd /Applications
3) Run the command to list your apps into a text file
        - ls -l > list.txt 
    To include apps listed in subdirectories just add the recurse arg.
        - ls -l -R > list.txt

4) If you want that to be useful in a spreadsheet such as ms Excel then use the 
.csv extension instead e.g ls -l > listx.csv 

In this example the list.txt file is created in your apps directory but you can 
specify any path.


On 06/06/2012, at 10:21 AM, Jane Griffiths wrote:

> Carlo's original posting was in relation to a query I mentioned at last 
> night's Wamug meeting, which related to copy and pasting a list of 
> applications from the Applications Folder into a Numbers spreadsheet.
> The problem I was having was that I could successfully paste the list into an 
> Excel spreadsheet, but when I pasted the same list into a Numbers spreadsheet 
> the list of applications would be repeated up to 4 times in the Numbers 
> spreadsheet.
> Both Numbers and Excel successfully convert the copied and pasted list of 
> apps into text, but only Numbers erroneously duplicates the list.
> It is easy enough to delete the 3 unwanted copies of the list from the 
> spreadsheet, but I was wondering why this unusual behaviour is happening in 
> Numbers?
> OS X 10.7.4
> Numbers '09 V2.1
> Excel for Mac 2011 V14.2.2
> At the meeting, Carlo showed how to create a text list of applications from 
> the Applications Folder using Terminal (the instructions that Carlo posted to 
> the Wamug site last night).
> Cheers
> Jane
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