Hi Justin,

Thanks for asking me not to stop what I was doing to answer your query. I'm 
waiting for a computer to backup before I do more work on it.

Lion should be faster than your previous Operating System, not slower. Only I 
would like you to have more RAM - 8GB :-)

Sophos Antivirus certainly slows any Mac down but more so on a Lion Mac. If you 
don't really have to have it installed, I suggest you 'Uninstall it'...

A bug in Sophos causes it to greatly slow down Macs running Lion. A large 
number of users have complained about Sophos Antivirus slowing down their Mac, 
especially in Lion. Some are reporting that this started with an update to 
Sophos, others are unsure of exactly when they noticed the slowdowns. One 
thing's certain though, if your Mac is slow, and you have Sophos installed, 
it's likely that uninstalling it will greatly improve your Mac's performance.

If you still don't wish to uninstall Sophos continue reading ;-)

I presume you did NOT do a ‘Clean Install’ of Lion but did an ‘In-place 
Upgrade’ on the same partition as Snow Leopard was installed on.

I also presume you did all the necessary preparations before upgrading to Lion, 
(such as updating all your applications to Lion compatible versions, repair 
permissions on Snow Leopard, and did a backup).

And you also did the ‘Post-Installation’ tasks (such as allowing Spotlight to 
completely finish its Re-Indexing of the HD, running Software Update & 
installing all updates, repairing permissions, letting Time Machine do its 
initial complete backup).

Did you allow Spotlight to re-index the drive after you transferred from older 
MacBook to new MacBook Pro?

If you have done all the above and Lion is running slow:

1. Shut down your computer
2. Boot the computer while holding down the OPTION key, then select “Recovery 
HD” and press Return
3. Once booted in Recovery mode, select Disk Utility. Select your Mac HD.
4. Repair Disk 
5. Then ‘Repair Permissions'
    It will most likely show quite a number of problems during this process and 
repair them.
7. After it is finished, restart your computer.

Spotlight will most likely re-index your drive again … if it does … let it 
complete the process without running any other programs.

If you find Lion is still running slow, post back letting us know if it is slow 
to boot up, or mainly just slow running which applications.


17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

OS X 10.7.4 Lion
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

On 22/06/2012, at 1:09 PM, Justin Davies wrote:

> Hi everyone - hope you don't mind me jumping on this question with a related 
> issue
> I have recently purchased a macbook pro 
> 2.8 intel core i7
> 4gb ram 1333 mhz ddr3
> lion 10.7.4
> I have used the transfer my mac utility from my older macbook
> The issue I'm having is that some of the apps are VERY slow - much slower 
> than the old macbook (albeit i did max the ram on that unit). Preview in 
> particular is the worst offender. 
> I have done the obvious - used disk utility to repair permissions and with a 
> 750gb drive with loads of space on it, I can't see anything that is an 
> obvious factor. My web search indicated that sophos may be slowing it down.
> Would appreciate any suggestions, many thanks in advance.... (and Ronnie, pls 
> don't stop whatever you are doing to be first to reply ;)
> Best regards
> Justin Davies

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