Diana, I feel that your complaint is most unfair. People at work may not even 
read their emails until the evenings, yet you expected to have an answer the 
same day! I usually don't know how to solve the problems people post, so remain 

Ronni really puts a huge amount of time and effort into this list, which is why 
she finds it so exasperating that people don't do their own research. I often 
use google for queries, it's pretty intelligent when it comes to working out 
what I want to know.

Professionals like ronni and Daniel are very responsive when it comes to 
helping people, and often follow up later if they have been too busy to respond 
on a particular day. Speaking as an older person myself I don't see why I can't 
be expected to do my own research rather than posting a question every time I 
get a little stuck.


Sent from my iPad

On 09/01/2013, at 4:03 PM, Diana & Graham Stevens <diag...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> No reply. Obviously a frivolous and unworthy question. I found the answer but 
> it took a long time. 
> I have never been good at finding things in indexes, archives, web sites, 
> search engines etc. Now I am old, my concentration and memory are not so hot. 
> At present I can't use my right arm so everything takes longer.
> In the old days, before this became a professional list, someone would have 
> pointed me in the direction of the startup in safe mode and reset. But now 
> the number of people who can post messages is reduced and the professionals 
> are too busy.
> I have belonged to WAMUG for years (No. 0892) and, though it was not 
> required, I have been financial most of the time. I considered it was good 
> value for money, now that is no longer the case.
> Diana
> On 09/01/2013, at 7:15 AM, Diana & Graham Stevens wrote:
>> Good morning all
>> I hope this gets through, I keep meaning to pay my sub!
>> Graham had a problem with Mackeeper showing up when he opened Firefox. I 
>> discovered his home page setting had been altered and changed it back. He 
>> did not install Mackeeper.
>> This morning there is a small window at the top left which says:
>> "An attempt to change your home page and default search has been blocked.
>> Click here to change your settings."
>> I can't get rid of the window, it is 'frozen'. He has Pop Ups blocked with 
>> exceptions for banks and adobe only.
>> Quitting, shutting down and restarting does not work. How can I fix this? 
>> Are there any dire security implications?
>> InteliMac 3.06 Intel Core i3 8GB 1333MHz DDR, Firefox 17.0.1
>> Best wishes from Diana
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