Hi Kaye,

Is she trying to access the “show Commands” this way?
To see a list of all the commands you can access, activate Dictation (press fn 
fn), wait for the beep, and then say “Show commands”

When you're dictating, pause before saying a command. Otherwise, OS X may 
interpret it as dictation.

Check in System Preferences > Accessibility and choose Dictation in the list to 
the left. 
Click 'Dictation Commands' and then select the 'Enable Advanced Commands' 
Click done in the preference pane to activate advanced commands.


Sent from Ronni's iPad4

On 14 Apr 2016, at 8:29 AM, kaye and geoff <k...@kgweb.org.au 
<mailto:k...@kgweb.org.au>> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a friend with failing eyesight who is using Enhanced Dictation under 
> El Capitan. Until recently everything worked well, but now the spoken request 
> "Show Commands" returns a formatted screen with no commands listed. She 
> normally dictates in French, but we switched to English (and to Spanish) and 
> tried them with the same result. Dictation continues to work - it responds to 
> the spoken commands and produces documents from spoken dictation in all three 
> languages - but she can no longer get a list of the commands available to be 
> recognised.
> Has anyone else seen this behaviour or have any idea of where we start 
> looking to get her commands displayed. She is unaware of doing anything that 
> may have caused the problem, and I can't find anything in her settings that 
> could turn off displaying the commands.
> Cheers, Kaye
> ------------------------
> Kaye and Geoff
> k...@kgweb.org.au <mailto:k...@kgweb.org.au>

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