Title: RE: {W&P} Make it a rule ....
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(CS)  Why would the USSR attack the United Sates?

(JJ) I'm sure there are several reasons.  The most basic is that they thought we threatened their interests, just as we thought they threatened ours.  The fact that we almost went to war several times during that period illustrates my point.

 (maree) While, I believe that the USSR was seen as a threat to western democracy, it was not going to invade the US. They aimed at spreading communism across the globe, but also argued  

I agree.  I was thinking attacking US interests rather than US soil.  However, they were going to put nuclear missiles in Cuba.  Would that not be viewed as a threat to US territory?
I was reading some stuff on the Cuban missile crisis, and the CiA, and Pres, had information that Krushchev (?) while, proposing that he was going to do this, was unable to do so. He was playing a game, which he lost. And while some may argue the USA lost because they moved missiles from Turkey, it was the demise of Krushchev's reformation of USSR. Please accept that my knowledge on this is extremely limited.
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