When i download them, they have these names:


(Which are the same names they had when i uploaded them)


Jim Matthews wrote:
> I downloaded all three files like the instructions at
> http://wiki.openqa.org/display/WTR/Development+Builds
> indicated.  I start the download and save them to the directory.  I
> have re-downloded the files and these are the file names I get:
> commonwatir-1[1].6.1.gem
> firewatir-1[1].6.1.gem
> watir-1[1].6.1.gem
> Jim
> On Nov 3, 11:07 am, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Somehow the filename of the gem changed when you downloaded it. I think
>> that is the source of your problem.
>> Bret
>> Jim Matthews wrote:
>>> I am trying to install Watir 1.6.1 on Ruby 1.8.6-27 and am having a
>>> problem.  It looks like the problem you have when you are behind a
>>> proxy, but I am not behind a proxy.  I downloaded all three watir gem
>>> files into the same directory.  When I try to do the gem install, here
>>> is what happens:
>>> C:\Installed_Files\ruby_w_watir_1_6_1\watir_1_6_1>gem install watir
>>> ERROR:  While executing gem ... (URI::InvalidURIError)
>>>     bad URI(is not URI?): C:/Installed_Files/ruby_w_watir_1_6_1/
>>> watir_1_6_1/commonwatir-1[1].6.1.gem
>>> On Nov 3, 10:20 am, JArkelen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> These are my installation steps:
>>>> - I have a clean windows xp machine (vmware image)
>>>> - I install ruby 186-26
>>>> - I download watir, firewatir and commonwatir from 
>>>> here:http://wiki.openqa.org/display/WTR/Development+Builds
>>>> - I remove the version numbers from the gem files (for easier typing
>>>> in dos command window)
>>>> - I install watir with 'gem install watir'
>>>> - Then I receive that message
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> John
>>>> On Nov 3, 4:31 pm, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> I've been testing with Ruby 186-26.
>>>>> Watir 1.5 also required win32-process (0.5.5). Can you give more
>>>>> information about how you are installing it? The gem installer should be
>>>>> automatically installing this gem.
>>>>> Bret
>>>>> JArkelen wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Which version of Ruby should I install to make Watir 1.6.1 work?
>>>>>> I tried both 185-24 and 186-26, but when trying to install watir, I
>>>>>> get the message "Error installing watir: watir requires win32-process
>>>>>>> = 0.5.5"
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> John
> >

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