Can you post the complete backtrace?  I bet the method "test_entertext" is
being run before "test_start".

If I remember correctly, Test::Unit runs the methods inside a test class in
asciibetical order.

You might want to collapse all three of those methods into one.  There's
probably no real gain in having them be separated.

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 11:31 AM, tester86 <> wrote:

> Hi
> Please note that this is an example of what tests.
> Class TestGoogle < Test::Unit::TestCase
> def test_start()
> $b=Watir::Browser.start("";)
> end
> def test_entertext()
> $b.text_field(:name, "SearchField").set("Search")
> $b.button(:name, "btnG").click
> end
> def test_verify()
> if $b.contains_text("Search")
> puts "passed"
> else
> puts "failed"
> end
> end
> end
> In my options.yml if I tell it to run with IE then in command prompt I
> get the error $b is not defined.
> --
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