On Mon, 27 Nov 2017, at 04:46 PM, John D. Ament wrote:
> The in depth "incubator required stuff" is at
> https://incubator.apache.org/guides/retirement.html for review
> Basically,
> - We have this conversation.  Ensure that there's consensus on the future
> of the project.
> - Call a vote.  When we call a vote, one of us will send notice to
> incubator.
> - Vote again on general@incubator.
> I do want to make sure there are two things abundantly clear:
> - Retirement isn't failure.  Wave didn't fail as a project.
> - It's better to describe it as "this isn't a good fit as an Apache
> project."  Apache projects tend to have at least three people available
> at all times, either making changes, merging in changes, or able to cut
> releases.

What John described above is the process from Apache's side.

The code is publicly available under an Apache License. Any of you can
push your local repo up to GitHub and share it with whoever you like,
using a name that includes the word "Wave", so that would be a step
alongside the more ASF-focussed administrative tasks above. 


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