Thank you, Mark. Very helpful.

Phew. The only one (I think) I've used is the font tag and I know I can replace that 
by using CSS and H1, H2, etc. tags. I'm working on drumming up my nerve to redoing
the site with CSS.

In that vein, I do have a question: Can I do that conversion a page at a time? In 
other words, could I write a style sheet (using the three--I think--css commands 
for NN4.7X) for one page without having to risk screwing up the entire site?


Mark Groen wrote:

> > Do you think there's a list on the w3c site of deprecated tags? Seems
> > as if there should be... Do you suppose I would find it under the term
> > "deprecated tags"?
> Here's the list:

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