On Jun 3, 2009, at 5:12 PM, Peter Kasting wrote:

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Roland Steiner <rolandstei...@google.com > wrote: However, if the consensus is that we should rather take those objects out (Ian Hickson doesn't seem to be a fan of complex ruby, either), then of course I can remove them from the code. The resulting object model would probably look like:

    ruby : RenderInline or RenderBlock (inline-block)
ruby-run : RenderBlock (inline-block with inline children) - 1 or more
            ruby-base : RenderInline -> InlineFlowBox - 1
ruby-text : RenderInline -> InlineFlowBox - 0 or 1 (could even allow 2, for both 'before' and 'after' positions)

Seems like it wouldn't be hard to add the complexity in later (as a second pass) if we decide there's value there; in the meantime, writing the simplest possible implementation has testing and code readability benefits. I suggest sticking with the simple stuff that's sufficient to do HTML5 as a first pas. When everything is in, tested and working, you can evaluate if more complex support a la the current CSS3 spec is a good idea. If so it'd probably make sense to get HTMLx (whatever x is by then, perhaps 6) to agree so that other browsers are all on board too.

I had the same reaction. Handling simple ruby seems like a good first step, even if we decide later that we want to add complex support.


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