
.) IE does NOT honor 'display: ruby'



On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Roland Steiner <>wrote:

> Hi Dave,
> thanks for the feedback! To answer some of the questions you raised:
> .) There certainly is a demand for this feature in Japan, China, and other
> countries. The only browser that natively supports ruby currently is IE, so
> I would assume most of the pages that use ruby today are written at least
> with IE in mind. Therefore, the base line would be compatibility with that,
> which boils down to implementing the HTML5 spec.
> There are also apparently still be some pages left that adhere to a very
> early ruby draft (, but I'm
> not sure it's worth extra work to try to support that (haven't looked at
> that in great detail yet).
> .) IE (at least IE8) honors 'float' and 'position' on ruby elements, and
> also 'display:block' works as expected.
> .) Multiple runs within a single <ruby> element are rendered correctly in
> IE (which I would suppose is the original reason for their inclusion in
> HTML5). IE also line-breaks those runs.
> Cheers,
> Roland
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 5:39 PM, David Hyatt <> wrote:
>> On Jun 3, 2009, at 7:33 PM, David Hyatt wrote:
>>> The CSS3 draft is clearly very incomplete and not ready for primetime, so
>>> the more I look at it, the more I'm thinking we should maybe just limit
>>> ourselves to an HTML5/IE-compatible implementation.
>> In other words I'm thinking we should just make <ruby> the only way you
>> can make these things, and not necessarily support the CSS stuff yet.  I am
>> concerned about crashes related to crazy interactions of all these new ruby
>> display types (every time we add new display types the render tree
>> complexity goes up, since any element can implement the display type and be
>> put inside any other display type).
>> For example, I don't even think display:ruby should be the right way to
>> make a ruby in CSS, since a ruby clearly can be either block-level or
>> inline-level.  You need two display types and not just one.
>> How the ruby box model works in CSS is woefully underspecified as well.
>> For now we could just hardcode the creation of the specific renderers when
>> the tag names are encountered.  This has the added benefit of allowing you
>> to make a ruby inline or block by changing the display type.  I'd suggest
>> testing in IE in fact to see what happens when you float/position a ruby or
>> when you specifically put "display:block" on a ruby.
>> dave
>> (
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