02.07.2009, в 18:05, Adam Roben написал(а):

- I prefer having "Bug NNNNN: " before the actual bug description so I don't have to parse the URL myself for the bug number. It also acts as a visual marker when I read the ChangeLog entry.


Here's an example entry that follows the format that I (and I think Dave) like:

+2009-04-20  Adam Roben  <aro...@apple.com>
+        Change MemoryStream::createInstance to return a COMPtr
+ Part of Bug 25294: All WebKit/win classes should return COMPtrs from
+        their static constructor members
+        <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25294>

FWIW, I rarely need to know the bug number alone - I need its URL to click or to copy/paste. On the other hand, the suggested format makes it so that one needs to skip over "Part of Bug 25294: " just to read the bug description, which is not an improvement.

- I like putting angle brackets "<>" around the URL to set it off visually from other text.

Typing those brackets is more work. It's also more difficult to copy/ paste the URL (you could just copy the whole line and paste it into Safari address bar when there were no garbage symbols around the URL)

- I generally move the "Reviewed by" line after the bug number/ description/URL. When you're reading a ChangeLog entry/commit message (especially an older one), it's generally much more interesting which bug is being fixed rather than knowing who reviewed it. (Also, putting the bug description first makes git's one-line description of each commit much more useful than either having a list of dates and the person who wrote the patch or having a list of patch reviewers.)

No strong opinion about this one. It seems natural to have the reviewer mentioned close to contributor (which is what we have now).

- WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

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