On Tue, Oct 6, 2020 at 3:13 am, Konstantin Tokarev <annu...@yandex.ru> wrote:
1. Sub-par support for linking issues to each other

Traditional bug tracking systems (like Bugzilla or JIRA) have support of "related" or "linked" issues. Most important relations are

* A depends on B (B blocks A) - blockers and umbrella issues
* B is duplicate of A
* A and B are related in other unspecified way

GitHub does have duplicates btw, but the syntax is completely different from GitLab so I can never remember how it's done. It's not exposed in the UI. In GitLab it's easy: /duplicate #245 to mark a bug as duplicate of issue #245. (You can have cross-repo duplicates too, and I think even cross-*project* duplicates. This is very important for GNOME, but not for WebKit since WebKit is just one huge repo.)

I found instructions for GitHub here: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/managing-your-work-on-github/about-duplicate-issues-and-pull-requests#marking-duplicates

* There is no easily visible list of relations: if you are not closely following all activity on A, to find all issues related to it you have to browse through all its (pseudo-)comments, which in some cases might be long. * There is no *stateful* list of relations: if A was believed to have common source with B, but then it was discovered they are not related, you cannot delete relationship between A and B because there is no relationship, just a set of comments.

In my experience, this isn't really a *huge* problem. Umbrella issues work well enough to track relationship between bugs, as do milestones, and you can use whichever you prefer. I admit it is not nearly as nice as Depends/Blocks from Bugzilla, though. But I think it should be good enough for us.

* "#<number>" is not a safe reference format. Sometimes users' comments may have other data in "#<number>" format with a different meaning than references to GitHub issues. For example, may the force be with you if someone pastes gdb or lldb backtrace into comment without escaping it into markdown raw text block (```). Also, GitHub parses mentions in git commit messages, so care must be taken to avoid any occurrences of "#<number>" with a meaning different from reference to issue number.

Yeah this is unfortunate and also guaranteed to happen. The first several dozen issues are going to be spammed with references to other bugs all over the place.

[2] For some reason they have shared numbering, which means sometimes you may not know what kind of reference is in front of you until you look up its URL or navigate

This is silly too (and not a problem on GitLab, which uses # for issues and ! for merge requests). But although I agree it is a defect, is it really a huge problem? Probably not.

Also, on test cases. You probably like this feature of Bugzilla when you can attach self-contained HTML file to the issue and then simply open it by URL in any browser including your build of WebKit to try it out. Forget this - GitHub simply forbids HTML or JS attachments (without wrapping them in archive):

"We don’t support that file type. with a GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, DOCX, GZ, LOG, PDF, PPTX, TXT, XLSX or ZIP."

And yes, take care not to use tar.xz or tar.bz2 or any other unapproved archive type.

OK, now you've convinced me... this is bad. :P I forgot about this problem because GitLab does not have any such restrictions on attachments. It's very frustrating to have to say "I added a .txt file extension so I could upload this to GitHub. Please remove the file extension after you have downloaded the file before you use it." I would say this is strongest argument I've seen against GitHub. Silly problem to have tbh.

I'll just add that GitLab has become *really* popular for Linux-related projects. I have to regularly work with GNOME GitLab, freedesktop GitLab, and gitlab.com. Fedora and CentOS are both switching to GitLab too, so soon that will be five different public GitLab instances that I have to switch between regularly, and that's limited to only the public instances. Then there are also many major communities I don't work with that are also using GitLab (KDE, Debian, Purism). It's reached the point where unless you only work on Linux kernel itself, you probably spend a lot of time on one GitLab or another. It should be considered alongside GitHub as an option, especially if we're concerned about GitHub-specific problems.

And when issues are triaged, they can be resubmitted to WebKit tracker by qualified person if they are really relevant.

In practice, I don't think it's a good idea because (a) moving bugs upstream takes a lot of time, (b) it's quite often important to have the original reporter CCed on the issue and able to comment. I receive tons of WebKit bugs in the Epiphany bugtracker, and while a few years ago I might have forwarded reports upstream myself, nowadays I only provide instructions for reporting upstream. If the user takes the time to create a WebKit Bugzilla account, then we can continue in WebKit Bugzilla. Otherwise, the issue does not get fixed.


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