On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 5:06 PM Michael Catanzaro <mcatanz...@gnome.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 13:48, Ken Russell <k...@google.com> wrote:
> > Github's code review UI has a couple of feature gaps in my opinion.
> > It's difficult to look at earlier versions of the pull request, in
> > particular to verify that issues found during code review have been
> > fixed. I remember it also being difficult to figure out whether all
> > comments on earlier versions have been addressed.
> I'm not familiar with reviews on GitHub. I just want to add that GitLab
> reviews are great and have none of these problems. It's very easy to
> view older versions of merge requests and compare the differences
> between arbitrary revisions of the merge request. (That's often
> important when reviewing small changes to a large merge request.) Every
> discussion thread is clearly marked as either resolved (green!) or
> unresolved, and you can (and should) configure GitLab to block merges
> until all discussions are resolved. (I would be disappointed if GitHub
> doesn't have the same convenience features, as this helps prevent
> mistakes from being forgotten.)

GitHub totally offers this. See, for example:

> > I realize that Gerrit might not integrate at all with hosting the
> > repo on Github, but has any thought been given to this aspect of the
> > transition?
> That sounds like it would be a significant barrier to contribution, and
> frankly defeat the point of switching. If we have serious concerns with
> GitHub's code review functionality (which, again, I'm not familiar
> with), then we should just use GitLab and have everything in one place.
> (GitLab accepts GitHub logins via OAuth, both on gitlab.com and
> self-hosted instances, so the barrier to contributing remains low
> either way.)

Indeed. Gerrit's UI is also quite dense and hard to use for someone
new to it too:

- R. Niwa
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