On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 13:48, Ken Russell <k...@google.com> wrote:
Github's code review UI has a couple of feature gaps in my opinion. It's difficult to look at earlier versions of the pull request, in particular to verify that issues found during code review have been fixed. I remember it also being difficult to figure out whether all comments on earlier versions have been addressed.

I'm not familiar with reviews on GitHub. I just want to add that GitLab reviews are great and have none of these problems. It's very easy to view older versions of merge requests and compare the differences between arbitrary revisions of the merge request. (That's often important when reviewing small changes to a large merge request.) Every discussion thread is clearly marked as either resolved (green!) or unresolved, and you can (and should) configure GitLab to block merges until all discussions are resolved. (I would be disappointed if GitHub doesn't have the same convenience features, as this helps prevent mistakes from being forgotten.)

I realize that Gerrit might not integrate at all with hosting the repo on Github, but has any thought been given to this aspect of the transition?

That sounds like it would be a significant barrier to contribution, and frankly defeat the point of switching. If we have serious concerns with GitHub's code review functionality (which, again, I'm not familiar with), then we should just use GitLab and have everything in one place. (GitLab accepts GitHub logins via OAuth, both on gitlab.com and self-hosted instances, so the barrier to contributing remains low either way.)


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