
Am 09.09.21 um 19:31 schrieb Brett Cornwall:
> (...)
> There's a place for CMSes like WordPress. LibreOffice decided in favor
> of Hugo because the product is a static website that will rarely
> change, requires less maintenance burden than the current CMS
> solution, and requires modern web development practices without the
> onerous natures of huge, complex frameworks. The blog remains an
> approachable secondary CMS to those that require easy editing. This is
> a relatively insubstantial part of the LibreOffice project and, once
> the replacement site is finished, will require little upkeep.
I wonder if website with content that rarely change, are very attractive
to the public. Will they attract more users and people who are
interested in the project?
> This is *reducing the technical barrier to entry* because there is now
> no need to write PHP, Python, or whichever lower-level language is
> necessary to build the CMS-based sites. There's no way around the fact
> that there is some technical expertise required when building a
> website. *Content* may not require the expertise, but the *content* is
> so rarely changing on libreoffice.org (The hero slideshow has had the
> same text/graphics since the inception of LibreOffice AFAICR).

And that maybe an issue, if you want to attract new users etc. The
website is the showcase of an internet project. And in the analog world
the content etc. of a showcase will also not stay the same for a longer
time ;-)

You should also have in mind that a website needs some adaption to a
(local) cultural environment. The translation of content alone made not
a good localized international project website.

> The tooling only matters when the technology is so bad or onerous that
> it impedes any sort of forward momentum. It doesn't matter if LO chose
> Hugo, WordPress, or even your beloved Plone, it's all about providing
> a welcome environment for contributors with good documentation and a
> predictable change lifecycle.
To be clear: I not fixed on one CMS/DMS. Although I created add-ons for
Plone I work and use also other ones and other tools for volunteer
projects and for myself.


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog: http://www.amantke.de/blog

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