David Philippi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I think you'll find lots of arguments against any system. I've seen lots of 
> different systems appear over the years and vanish again. The dominance of 
> autotools never got a real challenge...

I think it's getting one now.  A few years back I thought scons was going
to die the same ignominious death as all previous autotools challengers;
surprisingly, this did not happen.  

It's too soon to tell yet whether WAF will be seriously competitive,
but I'm rather more optimistic than I would have been in (say) 2005.

What's different today is that autotools has gotten to be a worse and
worse tarpit over time.  Thus, its challengers have a better competitive 
position today then they did back when they were less mature and 
autotools was less encrusted.
                <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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