Hi everyone,

Rory Mcgreal from Athabasca University has written a great piece for the
Calgary Herald, Canada.

Rory proposes a workable solution for eliminating government waste, we'll
aligned with what we are collectively trying to do.

"The answer is simple, rather than buying and/ or renting content, we can
either produce our own or buy the full copyright to materials ONCE. Or, even
better, make effective use of public domain or free copyright materials.
Today tens of thousands of free, high-quality courses or course modules are
produced by learning institutions across Canada, in the U. S. and around the
world. WWW sites such as WikiEducator, Connexions, Merlot and Curriki have
growing collections of free educational content."

You can read the short article here:



Wayne Mackintosh, Ph.D.
International Centre for Open Education,
Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand.
Board of Directors, OER Foundation.
Founder and Community Council Member, Wikieducator, www.wikieducator.org
Mobile +64 21 2436 380
Skype: WGMNZ1
Twitter: OERFoundation, Mackiwg

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