On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Edward Cherlin <echer...@gmail.com> wrote:

<< snip >>

> Let's hear it then from the rest of you. What are your issues with
> Global Warming science vs. the carbon fuel industry and their
> scientific and political shills and common or garden variety dupes?

Hey there Ed, nice chatting, see you on on edu-sig (Python.org) sometimes too.

Our little think tank, isepp.org, meeting @ Linus Pauling's boyhood
home in Portland, Oregon, have talked over GW and/or GCC extensively,
including in our Yahoo! archives.

This is the heart of the Silicon Forest and we pride ourselves on
being engineers, good ones.

The decision tree is clear and you spell it out:  is there a warming
trend (yes or no) and if yes, are humans responsible to some degree?

I think you and I would say "yes" and "yes".

But then there's a pause point we need to insert:  is humanity having
responsibility for climate change a bad thing?  If we have long term
plans to terraform Mars (some say we do), then we need to get our sea
legs with this Gaia Hypothesis (appears to be correct) and start
realizing that GCC is somewhat under the conscious control of humans.

Will they be able to self-organize successfully?  Somehow that's
always the question, in every age.

Remember that vast climate cycling is characteristic of this planet so
that even without human influence, we were expecting another Ice Age

If humans have found a way to play with thermostat, that could come in handy.

On the other hand, giant geodesic domes inside of which we have
climate control, outside of which we have much less (because we don't
control solar cycling), may be the evolutionary trend, not claiming to
be all-knowing.

Such pockets of climate control (inside domes) is already a feature in
UK architecture (Cornwall) as you probably know.  We study this place
in Martian Math (my WikiEducator topic).

In sum, I don't see "no change" as in any way normal for climate.
It's all about cycling and changing.

That humans are now butting in at a level that really changes the
ocean water levels is a somewhat new development and we're gaining the
consciousness to go with it, which is what one would expect.  The
design is intelligent i.e. self aware and adapting, one might say that
without thumping a Bible.

I am entirely unaware of what has so far been uploaded to Wikieducator
in the way of Gaia Hypothesis literature.  Lynn Margulis is a good
source of information on early Earthian biotica, the different gaseous
makeups one may take as evidence of biomass activity.  These gas
disequilibria are what spectrometers look for in seeking the chemistry
of life on other planets.


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