2009/12/10 geni <geni...@gmail.com>:
> 2009/12/10 Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com>:
>> Strangely enough, the flaggedrevisions feature seems to provide a lot of
>> what we need:
>> 1) People don't have to watch changes as they happen, they can stumble on
>> them when they go to save a new change
>> 2) Changes are marked as patrolled, so far more efficient than 10 people all
>> noticing the same change on their watchlist and deciding no action needs to
>> be taken.
> 3)The massive backlog in patrolled edits will kill the instant
> feedback wikipedia currently gives and reduce editing to a level where
> watching everything is no longer a problem.

...except both patrolled and unpatrolled edits are intended to be
visible immediately.


I doubt that "your edit has, if you look closely, not yet been ticked
off by a system that you don't see unless you look at it" is going to
kill the instant-editing culture, somehow.

- Andrew Gray

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