On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 02:31, Patricio Lorente

> I was very happy to be in Egypt. I knew (as every one of you) that the
> taxi drivers -and other people- would try to cheat me, that transport
> media would be below european standars -although the train service
> from Cairo to Alexandria was quite fine-, that traffic would be
> terrible, that poor people would be everywhere. Welcome,  my friends,
> to the South.


> We are taking notes and working: you'll find enough plugs in Buenos
> Aires, and enough wifi, and enough social room and activities... and
> perhaps you'll find a city that fits with most european standars
> (please, read [[en:Buenos Aires]] for further reference). But if you
> walk the city, you'll meet poor people, at night you may find families
> of waste pickers, you'll see homeless. Sorry about that. We are not
> able to hide them for you and I think we don't want to do so.
> So, let's talk about things we can work out. And forgive me if my
> words sound bitter: I just couldn't help.

And having been to all four Wikimanias, you'll never take that one
thing away from me. There's nothing like the South when it comes to
the heart.

Thank you Patricio, indeed. Thank you, Egypt, for reminding us that
the world is made of differences.

PS. http://blog.notanendive.org/post/2008/07/24/When-it-comes-to-roots
PPS. I'll take your word on the wifi. I have yet to attend ONE geeky
conference --anywhere in the world-- where the Wifi works perfectly


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