Bence Damokos, 23/03/2014 13:28:
I am not sure it is the right approach to expect attendees to pay the
full price of the per capita conference cost instead of relying on
sponsors and donors to cover the majority of the costs.

It may also not be the right approach to expect attendees to have the sort of services they have (accommodation, food etc.) for free. Looking close to us, FOSDEM seems to work rather well*, they have no registration fee at all but what expenses do they have?** Is their "population" so different from ours?

Lodewijk, 23/03/2014 14:03:
> So, maybe we should first answer that question - what would our ideal
> attendance look like?

Seconded. The Esino Lario bid tries to start from this fundamental question by the way. (Though all I said on this thread is just my opinion.)


(*) They're also much more efficient than Wikimania, e.g. they publish videos in few days. (**) says the budget is somewhere on the wiki but not AFAICS.

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