On 11 March 2015 at 08:37, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijs...@gmail.com>

> Hoi,
> The fact that law suits like this actually happen is a wonderful
> improvement in and of itself.
> Our aim is to freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Free has many
> meaning, one of them is free to share without consequences.It is not only
> about free of cost.In the past we implemented https for the very reason
> that we did not want eavesdropping on the content from our Wikis.

Partially implemented https

> I think
> nobody ever suggested that we should not do this because of the cost.

So for what reason wasn't it done?

> The least it does
> is make it obvious that the NSA is not behaving in a way that is conducive
> to propagating democracy and its associated values in our world. It shames
> the current practices and the donkey may sing.

Being spied on by AIVD on the other hand is just fine.

Seriously people if you aren't American pick your words with care. Your
domestic agencies are either worse or activity incompetent.
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