Dear Ramzy,

I wanted to acknowledge your eloquent post (for anyone who hasn't read it,
please do – DeepL and Google Translation do a really decent job), and in
particular your concern about the lack of representation of South East
Asian communities in movement governance.

But I would also like to share one thought about the importance of
leadership: it's that I think Wikimedians are not particularly keen on
having leaders to follow. Projects like Wikipedia, Wiktionary and so on
grew precisely because there *was* no leadership. They provided a space
free of pre-imposed leadership.

This is what attracted people: you could do something, contribute
something, without having to ask an authority figure for permission. People
were *trusted*, not *led*.

This being so, I believe leadership is of limited value in terms of growing
participation in line with this volunteer model.

Kind regards,

On Sat, Sep 17, 2022 at 12:27 PM Ramzy Muliawan <>

> Pertama-tama saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang setinggi-tingginya
> kepada Kelompok Kerja Pembinaan Kepemimpinan yang telah menghasilkan
> definisi ini. Saya pikir ini satu langkah maju yang diperlukan untuk
> mendorong implementasi rekomendasi Strategi Gerakan mengenai penanaman
> modal dalam pembinaan keterampilan dan kepemimpinan.
> Berkebalikan dengan respon-respon negatif yang diterima oleh prakarsa ini,
> saya rasa mendefinisikan bentuk kepemimpinan yang diperlukan oleh gerakan
> Wikimedia secara luas adalah sesuatu yang sudah semestinya kita miliki,
> sebagai sebuah gerakan antarabangsa yang memiliki jaringan dan struktur
> tata kelola yang rumit, saling terkait, dan mengandalkan waktu para
> sukarelawan yang berharga.
> Diskusi mengenai pembinaan kepemimpinan terutama sekali bersifat mendesak
> untuk wilayah gerakan Wikimedia yang tidak pernah, atau kurang sekali,
> terwakili dalam tata kelola gerakan secara global. Saya berbicara tentang
> wilayah asal saya, rantau Asia Tenggara dan Pasifik, yang memiliki tingkat
> keberagaman proyek Wikimedia yang sangat tinggi, barangkali hanya dapat
> disaingi oleh beberapa wilayah lain dalam gerakan; organisasi-organisasi
> mitra lokal yang aktif; dan basis penyunting maupun pasar pembaca yang
> terus berkembang seiring dengan penetrasi Internet yang semakin mendalam.
> Meski wilayah ini memiliki status-status sedemikian, Wikimediawan/wati dari
> rantau Asia Tenggara tidak pernah ada yang berhasil duduk di Dewan Pengawas
> Yayasan Wikimedia, dan keterwakilan dari rantau ini sangat terbatas pada
> badan-badan tata kelola gerakan seperti Komite Afiliasi, Komite Bahasa,
> bahkan badan yang saat ini bertugas untuk merumuskan piagam gerakan. Hal
> ini tentu saja tidak dapat dijelaskan secara tunggal melalui "kecelakaan
> sejarah", tetapi akan jauh lebih mudah untuk melihatnya dari lensa
> kurangnya penanaman modal dan komitmen jangka panjang untuk urusan
> kepemimpinan ini.
> Kerja-kerja ini tidak akan selesai dalam waktu dekat, dan tidak akan
> menghasilkan suatu hasil akhir yang dapat memuaskan seluruh pihak yang
> memiliki kepentingan dalam gerakan Wikimedia. Namun, apa yang dapat kita
> lakukan tentu saja adalah mencoba terlebih dahulu. Masalah-masalah seperti
> yang saya sebutkan di atas, dalam konteks rantau asal saya namun juga saya
> tahu terjadi pada beberapa wilayah lain, tidak akan selesai dengan saling
> menuding dan mempermasalahkan apakah kerja-kerja ini perlu dilakukan atau
> tidak.
> Saya mengajak para Wikimediawan/wati yang memiliki perhatian khusus pada
> hal ini untuk turut serta membantu Kelompok Kerja dalam diskusi yang
> penting ini.
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2022, 14:29 Peter Southwood <>
> wrote:
>> I, too, would appreciate such enlightenment, Cheers, Peter
>> *From:* Andreas Kolbe []
>> *Sent:* 16 September 2022 20:48
>> *To:* Wikimedia Mailing List
>> *Subject:* [Wikimedia-l] Re: Leadership Development Working Group is
>> ready for community feedback!
>> Dear Ivan,
>> I am very sorry, but I honestly don't understand what any of this is for,
>> and why the WMF is spending money on defining leadership – money collected
>> under the pretence that money is urgently needed to keep Wikipedia online –
>> given that community feedback to this initiative to date seems to be
>> largely negative.
>> It is not like the world lacks definitions of leadership. Aren't we
>> spending donors' money to reinvent the wheel here?
>> Could I refer back to an interesting thread Samuel Klein started a while
>> back, titled "Simplifying governance processes"?
>> To me, at least, what Samuel and others said in that thread seemed to be
>> pertinent to initiatives like this one. Samuel started by saying,
>> "Dear Board (and all), The growing complexity of governance efforts is
>> defeating us. Process creep is an existential threat for projects like ours
>> – it is self-perpetuating if not actively curtailed, as it filters out
>> people who dislike excess process. There's a reason 'bureaucrats' and
>> 'stewards' have unglamorous titles. Global governance in particular seems
>> to be suffering from this now. Let's try to scale it back!"
>> He received no reply from the WMF, at least not here on this list where
>> he posted.
>> It seems to me we are spending a great deal of money to produce words –
>> but not words in Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikisource etc., that the public
>> enjoys and finds valuable, but words on Meta talking about ourselves in the
>> best navel-gazing tradition.
>> Now, maybe I have this all back to front and am simply clueless ... so if
>> someone feels like enlightening me, please do!
>> Best,
>> Andreas
>> On Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 4:33 PM Ivan Martínez <> wrote:
>> TL;DR: The draft leadership definition[1] prepared by the Leadership
>> Development Working Group is ready for community feedback! Please share
>> your feedback on Meta[2], the feedback form[3] or the Movement Strategy
>> Forum[4]. You can also directly mail us at
>> The feedback will be collected
>> till October 6, 2022.
>> Hello everyone!
>> I hope you are aware that the Leadership Development Working Group[5] has
>> been working over the past few months to formulate and find ways to nurture
>> the leadership of our movement. The Leadership Development Working Group
>> (LDWG) is a group of Wikimedia volunteers representing different
>> communities, languages, roles, and experiences. We are pleased to inform
>> the community that our draft definition of leadership is now available for
>> community feedback. This first draft definition of leadership was written
>> after months of discussion, learning, and sharing from our community
>> perspective. The Wikimedia Movement, which is by nature diverse and
>> distinctive in its own way, is expressly addressed by this definition.
>> Please consider going through the definition and letting us know what you
>> think by October 6, 2022. The draft definition includes a general
>> definition of leadership and subcategories that elaborate on the actions,
>> qualities, and outcomes of good leadership.
>> There are many places where you can express your ideas, suggestions, and
>> comments, such as the meta talk page[2], the feedback form[3], and Movement
>> Strategy Forum Post[4]. You can also directly mail us at
>> You can check if the general definition, and the subcategories align with
>> your idea of leadership in the movement. You can also try finding the gaps,
>> maybe some qualities of a leader or anything else are missing in the draft
>> definition or you can check if the definition applies to all cultural,
>> linguistic, community or other contexts of the movement and share your
>> thoughts with us.
>> Together, let's celebrate the movement's diverse and distinctive
>> leadership!
>> Cheers!
>> [1] Link to the draft definition on meta
>> <>
>> [2] Link to meta talk page
>> <>
>> [3] Link to the feedback form <>
>> [4] Link to the Movement Strategy Forum post
>> <>
>> [5] Link to the meta page of LDWG
>> <>
>> --
>> *Iván Martínez*
>> *Voluntario - Wikimedia México A.C.User:ProtoplasmaKid *
>> // Mis comunicaciones respecto a Wikipedia/Wikimedia pueden tener una
>> moratoria en su atención debido a que es un voluntariado.
>> // Ayuda a proteger a Wikipedia, dona ahora:
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