I see the benefits in the definitions as a starting point from which to
help develop materials to assist where possible the development of
leadership. These types of assistance can be through learning days
alongside regular events like Wikimania, the Summit as well as regional
events. There are many benefits to the movement in helping someone isolated
trying to build a community to have these learnings at hand and to have
support to access their own growth especially in areas they may not have
had much experience in.

I can say from experiencing the WMUK's training program in 2014 did help me
push forward with outreach and supporting new members into taking on roles
within the affiliates and elsewhere in the movement.  Finding a way to help
expand the community's resources, be it money, hardware, software, or
volunteers and their skillset is one of the primary objectives of the WMF.
Our only real concern is that we don't lose the imagination and creativity
of the individual that has got us to where we are now.

On Wed, 21 Sept 2022 at 09:07, effe iets anders <effeietsand...@gmail.com>

> I definitely acknowledge the need for our movement to better facilitate
> capacity development, which feeds into leadership qualities. For many years
> I have been part of various working groups and communities that have
> struggled to find volunteers that were willing to take up leadership roles
> and were at the same time also in possession of the skills and experience
> to do so. I have been encouraged to see some of that work take place over
> the past years, initiated both by some people at the WMF and some chapter
> officers through various pathways.
> I'm somewhat struggling to see the use of these definitions in their
> current form, and the context in which they should be read. In that sense,
> I'm definitely nodding my head while reading the response from Braveheart:
> it's easy to read this as some centralist effort. At the same time, I'm
> trying to think through how I would expect our movement to address this
> alternatively, and that is still hard to wrap my head around. Maybe having
> a common vocabulary does help as a step in the direction of developing
> these qualities in our movement. It won't get us there, I agree, and any
> solutions will require more programs, more efforts and most of those will
> have to be volunteer driven and community supported to be effective in a
> meaningful way. If I read this list of bullet points as "these are the
> qualifications we value in Wikimedian leaders", the list makes quite some
> sense.
> If we would contextualize this properly with some introduction of how
> people are expected to read this, and maybe some conversation guides, it
> could offer a starting point for a conversation among a community or
> working group to talk about their own shared leadership qualities, and what
> is lacking. It could then help us prioritize changing our workflows a bit
> (e.g. how can we become more decisive) or recruit someone to add those
> qualities. This context and understanding is severely lacking from the
> current text though - it feels like a lot of thought, effort and
> understanding went into this, and contextualizing it better may be a good
> way to ensure that the content actually has an impact. I'm not sure either
> what the next steps would be or how we could take such a list and help
> people develop some of these skills.
> What would help me to contextualize this better would be answers to some
> of the following questions:
> # If you compare this to academic literature on the topic, how does this
> list contrast? What are the leadership qualities that Wikimedia
> communities, teams and groups look for but are not necessarily expected in
> business, academia or society?
> # Does this list of qualities has to manifest itself in a single person,
> or in the group as a whole? At what size (ballpark) does this kind of
> evaluation become relevant?
> # You describe some qualities you're looking for in leadership. What would
> the complement look like: a list of signals that can help you identify
> ineffective leadership.
> # Which of these traits are culturally determined, and which are universal?
> # What do you want the Wikimedia world to "do" with this list? What are
> the next steps that you have in mind?
> # What are you planning to do next?
> Thanks for the work on this, but somehow it leaves me with more questions
> at this point than answers.
> Best,
> Lodewijk
> On Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 1:54 AM Ramzy Muliawan <muhammadara...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Pete,
>> Terima kasih atas pandangan Anda yang menarik. Peran Yayasan Wikimedia
>> dalam jagat semesta wiki selalu menjadi suatu topik perbincangan yang
>> menarik, dan tentu saja relevan dengan upaya yang sedang berlangsung untuk
>> merumuskan peran dan tanggungjawab pemegang-pemegang kepentingan yang ada
>> dalam gerakan kita melalui Piagam Gerakan.
>> Saya kurang sepakat dengan pandangan Anda bahwa ini merupakan satu upaya
>> untuk memusatkan kerja-kerja pembinaan kepemimpinan pada Yayasan Wikimedia.
>> Sependek pengetahuan saya, mandat Kelompok Kerja secara terang
>> dijelaskan di sini
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Leadership_Development_Working_Group#2._The_longer_summary>,
>> yaitu untuk membangun infrastruktur yang diperlukan dalam kerja-kerja
>> pembinaan kepemimpinan sembari menunggu haluan yang kelak ditetapkan dalam
>> Piagam Gerakan dan nantinya akan diimplementasikan oleh Dewan Global.
>> Penjelasan yang lebih rinci mengenai mandat dapat Anda baca di sini
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Leadership_Development_Working_Group/Purpose_and_Structure#2._What_will_the_working_group_do?>.
>> Dari apa yang dapat saya tangkap secara pribadi, mandat ini sudah jelas
>> mengambil berat faktor akan adanya Piagam Gerakan dan suatu badan tata
>> kelola global yang akan mengarahkannya -- tentunya, dalam hal ini, meliputi
>> implementasi rekomendasi mengenai pembinaan kepemimpinan. Pertanyaan akan
>> terjadinya sentralisasi atau tidak akan amat sangat bergantung bagaimana
>> Piagam Gerakan nantinya menanggapi isu kepemimpinan ini; tentu saja, semua
>> orang dalam gerakan Wikimedia akan memiliki kesempatan nantinya untuk
>> memberi masukan, tanggapan, dan pandangan mengenai konten Piagam ini.
>> What is the basis for believing that leadership will not occur if the
>>> Wikimedia Foundation does not guide how it happens?
>> Saya kira ini asumsi yang tidak berpijak pada realita yang terjadi di
>> lapangan. Bahkan pada saat ini, komunitas dan kelompok Wikimedia *sudah
>> mulai* mengerjakan implementasi rekomendasi Strategi Gerakan tentang hal
>> ini. Anda dapat melihat daftar proyek terkait peningkatan keterampilan
>> dan pembinaan kepemimpinan
>> <https://forum.movement-strategy.org/t/ongoing-ms-funded-projects-around-recommendation-6-connecting-peers/1220>
>> yang didanai melalui Hibah Pelaksanaan Strategi Gerakan dari Yayasan
>> Wikimedia. Saya pribadi tidak melihat proyek-proyek ini sebagai sesuatu
>> yang dimulai karena diarahkan untuk terjadi oleh Yayasan Wikimedia;
>> alih-alih, ia terjadi secara organik dan berjalan serentak dengan
>> kerja-kerja yang dilakukan oleh Kelompok Kerja Pembinaan Kepemimpinan pada
>> saat ini. Saya tidak melihat adanya pertentangan antara keduanya; yang
>> terjadi adalah terciptanya suatu kondisi yang saling mendukung, bermanfaat,
>> dan membantu perkembangan satu sama lain.
>> Saya tertarik untuk mengetahui persepsi Anda secara lebih dalam.
>> Ramzy
>> Ramzy Muliawan
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:RamzyM
>> On Mon, 19 Sept 2022 at 15:23, Pete Forsyth <petefors...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Andreas and Ramzy,
>>> Thank you for sharing these perspectives.
>>> I have a view that doesn't quite align with either of yours, and I am
>>> interested in what you think.
>>> It seems to me that leadership is a quality that has always been
>>> important, if poorly defined, in the Wikipedia project. New users often
>>> need guidance in understanding Wikipedia's standards and how they apply,
>>> and subject matter experts often bring knowledge that helps guide those
>>> less familiar with a topic.
>>> But I am entirely unconvinced that there is a worthwhile role for the
>>> Wikimedia Foundation to play in identifying or engaging with leaders.
>>> Leadership is a phenomenon that can occur without central guidance, and can
>>> often be invisible to those who are not directly involved.
>>> Even if we concede that leadership is a valuable phenomenon, what is the
>>> purpose of trying to centralize leadership that occurs within the platform
>>> the WMF is tasked with sustaining, and of investing donors' dollars into
>>> that effort? What is the basis for believing that leadership will not occur
>>> if the Wikimedia Foundation does not guide how it happens?
>>> -Pete
>>> --
>>> Pete Forsyth
>>> [[User:Peteforsyth]]
>>> On Sat, Sep 17, 2022 at 10:07 AM Andreas Kolbe <jayen...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Ramzy,
>>>> I wanted to acknowledge your eloquent post (for anyone who hasn't read
>>>> it, please do – DeepL and Google Translation do a really decent job), and
>>>> in particular your concern about the lack of representation of South East
>>>> Asian communities in movement governance.
>>>> But I would also like to share one thought about the importance of
>>>> leadership: it's that I think Wikimedians are not particularly keen on
>>>> having leaders to follow. Projects like Wikipedia, Wiktionary and so on
>>>> grew precisely because there *was* no leadership. They provided a
>>>> space free of pre-imposed leadership.
>>>> This is what attracted people: you could do something, contribute
>>>> something, without having to ask an authority figure for permission. People
>>>> were *trusted*, not *led*.
>>>> This being so, I believe leadership is of limited value in terms of
>>>> growing participation in line with this volunteer model.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Andreas
>>>> On Sat, Sep 17, 2022 at 12:27 PM Ramzy Muliawan <
>>>> muhammadara...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Pertama-tama saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang
>>>>> setinggi-tingginya kepada Kelompok Kerja Pembinaan Kepemimpinan yang telah
>>>>> menghasilkan definisi ini. Saya pikir ini satu langkah maju yang 
>>>>> diperlukan
>>>>> untuk mendorong implementasi rekomendasi Strategi Gerakan mengenai
>>>>> penanaman modal dalam pembinaan keterampilan dan kepemimpinan.
>>>>> Berkebalikan dengan respon-respon negatif yang diterima oleh prakarsa
>>>>> ini, saya rasa mendefinisikan bentuk kepemimpinan yang diperlukan oleh
>>>>> gerakan Wikimedia secara luas adalah sesuatu yang sudah semestinya kita
>>>>> miliki, sebagai sebuah gerakan antarabangsa yang memiliki jaringan dan
>>>>> struktur tata kelola yang rumit, saling terkait, dan mengandalkan waktu
>>>>> para sukarelawan yang berharga.
>>>>> Diskusi mengenai pembinaan kepemimpinan terutama sekali bersifat
>>>>> mendesak untuk wilayah gerakan Wikimedia yang tidak pernah, atau kurang
>>>>> sekali, terwakili dalam tata kelola gerakan secara global. Saya berbicara
>>>>> tentang wilayah asal saya, rantau Asia Tenggara dan Pasifik, yang memiliki
>>>>> tingkat keberagaman proyek Wikimedia yang sangat tinggi, barangkali hanya
>>>>> dapat disaingi oleh beberapa wilayah lain dalam gerakan;
>>>>> organisasi-organisasi mitra lokal yang aktif; dan basis penyunting maupun
>>>>> pasar pembaca yang terus berkembang seiring dengan penetrasi Internet yang
>>>>> semakin mendalam. Meski wilayah ini memiliki status-status sedemikian,
>>>>> Wikimediawan/wati dari rantau Asia Tenggara tidak pernah ada yang berhasil
>>>>> duduk di Dewan Pengawas Yayasan Wikimedia, dan keterwakilan dari rantau 
>>>>> ini
>>>>> sangat terbatas pada badan-badan tata kelola gerakan seperti Komite
>>>>> Afiliasi, Komite Bahasa, bahkan badan yang saat ini bertugas untuk
>>>>> merumuskan piagam gerakan. Hal ini tentu saja tidak dapat dijelaskan 
>>>>> secara
>>>>> tunggal melalui "kecelakaan sejarah", tetapi akan jauh lebih mudah untuk
>>>>> melihatnya dari lensa kurangnya penanaman modal dan komitmen jangka 
>>>>> panjang
>>>>> untuk urusan kepemimpinan ini.
>>>>> Kerja-kerja ini tidak akan selesai dalam waktu dekat, dan tidak akan
>>>>> menghasilkan suatu hasil akhir yang dapat memuaskan seluruh pihak yang
>>>>> memiliki kepentingan dalam gerakan Wikimedia. Namun, apa yang dapat kita
>>>>> lakukan tentu saja adalah mencoba terlebih dahulu. Masalah-masalah seperti
>>>>> yang saya sebutkan di atas, dalam konteks rantau asal saya namun juga saya
>>>>> tahu terjadi pada beberapa wilayah lain, tidak akan selesai dengan saling
>>>>> menuding dan mempermasalahkan apakah kerja-kerja ini perlu dilakukan atau
>>>>> tidak.
>>>>> Saya mengajak para Wikimediawan/wati yang memiliki perhatian khusus
>>>>> pada hal ini untuk turut serta membantu Kelompok Kerja dalam diskusi yang
>>>>> penting ini.
>>>>> On Sat, Sep 17, 2022, 14:29 Peter Southwood <
>>>>> peter.southw...@telkomsa.net> wrote:
>>>>>> I, too, would appreciate such enlightenment, Cheers, Peter
>>>>>> *From:* Andreas Kolbe [mailto:jayen...@gmail.com]
>>>>>> *Sent:* 16 September 2022 20:48
>>>>>> *To:* Wikimedia Mailing List
>>>>>> *Subject:* [Wikimedia-l] Re: Leadership Development Working Group is
>>>>>> ready for community feedback!
>>>>>> Dear Ivan,
>>>>>> I am very sorry, but I honestly don't understand what any of this is
>>>>>> for, and why the WMF is spending money on defining leadership – money
>>>>>> collected under the pretence that money is urgently needed to keep
>>>>>> Wikipedia online – given that community feedback to this initiative to 
>>>>>> date
>>>>>> seems to be largely negative.
>>>>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Leadership_Development_Working_Group
>>>>>> It is not like the world lacks definitions of leadership. Aren't we
>>>>>> spending donors' money to reinvent the wheel here?
>>>>>> Could I refer back to an interesting thread Samuel Klein started a
>>>>>> while back, titled "Simplifying governance processes"?
>>>>>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/7UVDBQTEWTR3ZNYLEP5TWAOVHF372OEL/#YRALVPPHAWMMATDUSUTZVBHG2CXOKAU6
>>>>>> To me, at least, what Samuel and others said in that thread seemed to
>>>>>> be pertinent to initiatives like this one. Samuel started by saying,
>>>>>> "Dear Board (and all), The growing complexity of governance efforts
>>>>>> is defeating us. Process creep is an existential threat for projects like
>>>>>> ours – it is self-perpetuating if not actively curtailed, as it filters 
>>>>>> out
>>>>>> people who dislike excess process. There's a reason 'bureaucrats' and
>>>>>> 'stewards' have unglamorous titles. Global governance in particular seems
>>>>>> to be suffering from this now. Let's try to scale it back!"
>>>>>> He received no reply from the WMF, at least not here on this list
>>>>>> where he posted.
>>>>>> It seems to me we are spending a great deal of money to produce words
>>>>>> – but not words in Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikisource etc., that the 
>>>>>> public
>>>>>> enjoys and finds valuable, but words on Meta talking about ourselves in 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> best navel-gazing tradition.
>>>>>> Now, maybe I have this all back to front and am simply clueless ...
>>>>>> so if someone feels like enlightening me, please do!
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Andreas
>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 4:33 PM Ivan Martínez <gala...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> TL;DR: The draft leadership definition[1] prepared by the Leadership
>>>>>> Development Working Group is ready for community feedback! Please share
>>>>>> your feedback on Meta[2], the feedback form[3] or the Movement Strategy
>>>>>> Forum[4]. You can also directly mail us at
>>>>>> leadershipworkinggr...@wikimedia.org. The feedback will be collected
>>>>>> till October 6, 2022.
>>>>>> Hello everyone!
>>>>>> I hope you are aware that the Leadership Development Working Group[5]
>>>>>> has been working over the past few months to formulate and find ways to
>>>>>> nurture the leadership of our movement. The Leadership Development 
>>>>>> Working
>>>>>> Group (LDWG) is a group of Wikimedia volunteers representing different
>>>>>> communities, languages, roles, and experiences. We are pleased to inform
>>>>>> the community that our draft definition of leadership is now available 
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> community feedback. This first draft definition of leadership was written
>>>>>> after months of discussion, learning, and sharing from our community
>>>>>> perspective. The Wikimedia Movement, which is by nature diverse and
>>>>>> distinctive in its own way, is expressly addressed by this definition.
>>>>>> Please consider going through the definition and letting us know what
>>>>>> you think by October 6, 2022. The draft definition includes a
>>>>>> general definition of leadership and subcategories that elaborate on the
>>>>>> actions, qualities, and outcomes of good leadership.
>>>>>> There are many places where you can express your ideas, suggestions,
>>>>>> and comments, such as the meta talk page[2], the feedback form[3], and
>>>>>> Movement Strategy Forum Post[4]. You can also directly mail us at
>>>>>> leadershipworkinggr...@wikimedia.org.
>>>>>> You can check if the general definition, and the subcategories align
>>>>>> with your idea of leadership in the movement. You can also try finding 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> gaps, maybe some qualities of a leader or anything else are missing in 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> draft definition or you can check if the definition applies to all
>>>>>> cultural, linguistic, community or other contexts of the movement and 
>>>>>> share
>>>>>> your thoughts with us.
>>>>>> Together, let's celebrate the movement's diverse and distinctive
>>>>>> leadership!
>>>>>> Cheers!
>>>>>> [1] Link to the draft definition on meta
>>>>>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Leadership_Development_Working_Group/Content>
>>>>>> [2] Link to meta talk page
>>>>>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Leadership_Development_Working_Group>
>>>>>> [3] Link to the feedback form <https://forms.gle/o7a4FYV8ZkisJF3KA>
>>>>>> [4] Link to the Movement Strategy Forum post
>>>>>> <https://forum.movement-strategy.org/t/leadership-development-working-group/1404>
>>>>>> [5] Link to the meta page of LDWG
>>>>>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Leadership_Development_Working_Group>
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Iván Martínez*
>>>>>> *Voluntario - Wikimedia México A.C.User:ProtoplasmaKid *
>>>>>> // Mis comunicaciones respecto a Wikipedia/Wikimedia pueden tener una
>>>>>> moratoria en su atención debido a que es un voluntariado.
>>>>>> // Ayuda a proteger a Wikipedia, dona ahora:
>>>>>> https://donate.wikimedia.org
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