Google can certainly index our beloved, well-behaved, text- and
context-rich, low-bandwidth sites.*
The fact that this happens differentially for Google and not other indexes
implies it's within their control.
If you're getting boilerplate responses about SEO, you may not be talking
to the people who care or can resolve this.

I wonder if we can make this easier for indexers to understand and address
a) maintaining an index of essential free knowledge
  -- a star catalog of sites in the constellation: including our core
sites, MDwiki, &c,
  -- pointers for each to a sitemap or equivalent, and a change-feed or
b) maintaining visualizations of index speed and coverage, via spot checks


* Jorge wrote: "we don’t have any influence or can decide what Google
indexes..." -- we seem to have a good deal of soft influence.
"...or where Wikimedia content ranks in their search" -- as I understand
it, this isn't about search rank at all.  It's about being able to find
newly added knowledge, that doesn't exist anywhere else online, in a range
of languages.  (asking about search rank may rightly trigger a boilerplate
immune response)
** Scholar and Patents have their own feeds they prioritize; this could be
a similar carve-out of attention. The sitemaps don't need to be accessible
to "any spider on the web" (if this is why we turned them off). Something
that only shows pages created or changed in the last window would also

On Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 10:46 AM Michael Snow <>

> I realize SEO has its own jargon, but to those not immersed in the field
> it is completely tautological to say a page is not indexed because "the
> indexing process determines that the page is unlikely to be requested in
> search." In an open-ended search, you aren't necessarily requesting a
> specific page, you're only asking the search engine to point you to
> pages that will hopefully be relevant to your query. It would be more
> honest and straightforward for Google to say that "based on our
> knowledge of what people search for, your page would appear so rarely
> among the highest-ranked results that we're not going to bother
> including it in our index."
> --Michael Snow
> On 1/19/2024 4:55 AM, wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I am Nicholas Perry, Senior Manager of Strategic Partnerships at WMF.
> Following up on Jorge's previous email to add a summary of Google's recent
> response to this issue, which was originally shared by Suman on this
> Phabricator ticket:
> >
> > ----
> > The web is really large and the search index can simply not include
> every single page. A page that otherwise has no problems may not be indexed
> for a myriad of complex reasons, for instance if the indexing process
> determines that the page is unlikely to be requested in search. This is in
> line with the Search Central documentation that states: "Google doesn't
> guarantee that it will crawl, index, or serve your page, even if your page
> follows the Google Search Essentials."
> > ----
> >
> > Google also shared a document containing resource links, which can be
> found in the Phabricator ticket. They also encouraged people to submit any
> questions and attend their SEO Office Hours (
>, with the caveat
> that Google might not be able to answer all questions in a given instance.
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Nicholas
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