2009/1/27 Charles Gregory <wikimediaau.li...@chuq.net>:
> 2009/1/27 Gnangarra <gnanga...@gmail.com>
>> While its nice and can be advantageous to piggy back on other groups for
>> confrences, the decision on when to hold the AGM and whether theres an event
>> to coincide with it must be that of our members/committee complying with
>> requirements of our constitution.
> Of course, I did point out the issues with the AGM timing as a downside.
> I'm not sure if it is a Victorian consumer affairs rules, or something else.
It is one of our rules. It has nothing to do with which state we are
incorporated in. Generally, an organisation is free to identify when
they want their financial year to end. I also believe that we could of
changed the timing of the AGM (I haven't checked the legislation on
this one).

>> I'd also suggest that making blanket statements about elimating places as
>> potential venues for any events will do more to alienate current members and
>> potential members. The last Perth meetup had 14 people attend while Andrew
>> and myself tried to encourage memberships the dominant comment was there is
>> no advantage or reason for Perth people being part of an Eastern States
>> based group, these types of blanket statements only reinforce those
>> opinions.
> I did hesitate when including Perth in that list, I guess I should have
> hesitated more.  I only included it as more expensive travel means that it
> might be harder to get a critical mass of people there.  You'll notice I
> also included my own home city in the list so nothing sinister was intended.
I don't see a problem with having a conference in any of the locations
given except NZ (and that is only because we are WM-AU and have no NZ
members). Small doesn't equate to undesirable in my view.


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