
A recent supreme court case was fought around a number of endangered
species in Victoria. I don't know how many of them have specimens in
zoos, but I was hoping to find some time to try to find out and get
some shots and video. The two main charismatic ones are:

 - the spot-tailed quoll (aka tiger quoll)
 - the long-footed potoroo

Other important species that played roles in the recent court case
(Environment East Gippsland v VicForests) are: giant burrowing frog,
large brown tree frog (Litoria littlejohni), Sooty Owl, Powerful Owl,
Greater Glider, Square-tailed kite, Orbost spiny crayfish, Brown
Mountain crayfish (newly discovered, and still in the process of being
described...this last one definitely won't be at zoos),

Other topics of interest include: hollow bearing trees, as many of our
endangered species rely on tree hollows either for shelter or for prey
(or both). I've started [[tree hollow]], but it could use a boost; and
Australia's logging industry which is both a major threat to
endangered species and also may play a role in conservation as they
move to plantation-based production: e.g. the major deal in Tasmania
happening right now, which may see the end of native forest logging in
Tasmania (also home to Tiger Quolls), and there's some talk of a
similar deal in Victoria.

The tiger quoll in particular could use some new images, and can
probably be found at zoos? It's mainland Australia's largest carnivore
marsupial and is the mainland population is particularly endangered.

Chris Belcher has a good write up about them and their current status here:


I think we should be capable of taking some points out of the document
for Wikipedia and getting some new shots of quolls, and improving some
of the other articles. If anyone wants to organise a trip to any of
Melbourne's zoos, I'm in.

Also, despite being the photographer for the Leadbeater's Possum
single pic on Wikipedia, I'd really love to see it replaced with a
photo of one which wasn't stuffed. Leadbeater's Possum is Victoria's
faunal emblem (and is highly endangered).

Peter Halasz

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