I hope that following these discussions the committee will be
encouraged to test drive some sort of solution for a little bit more
open editing - I quite like virtually all of the ideas expressed so
far (an alternate wiki, editing restricted to specific namespaces,
certain pages protected, use of flagged revisions etc. etc.) - all of
which seem to be an improvement on where we are currently!

What I can definitely confirm, following a rap on the knuckles (and
being put on formal notice for conduct unbecoming of a member), is
that launching the proposal in the way that I went about it is
currently not smiled upon, so apologies for all that too.



On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Andrew Owens <orderinchao...@gmail.com> wrote:
> FTR, I'm not opposed to selectively opening the site (or more, certain
> namespaces) to public editing. I am firmly in agreement with Brian and John
> that the situation we're in does not permit a "free for all" as we have
> obligations and responsibilities (including under the Act) as an
> organisation which in part are met through our website, so it's a matter of
> figuring out how to maximise the pros while minimising the cons.
> I would be more minded to support a proposal if we saw more members editing
> the wiki as they all have the right to do presently.
> cheers
> Andrew
> On 17 November 2010 11:43, Nathan Carter <cartma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 10:56 PM, John Vandenberg <jay...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Another option is for non-members to be restricted to talk pages on
>> > the main wiki.  This means they cant edit pages, but they can initiate
>> > and participate in discussions about them.  Talk pages shouldn't
>> > contain anything official.
>> My view is that the wiki itself is a marketing and communication tool.
>> It advertises WMAU to the world at large while also providing
>> communication to members (not disimilar to a newsletter). I agree that
>> opening talk pages could be worthwhile.
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