Although I don't know the cause of Tony's problems, when I tried to get an
automated email sent from the listserver just now, Gmail automatically
transferred them into the "social" category so that they weren't visible,
which initially led me to assume that they weren't making it through. Some
email services treat automated email as spam, or (as Gmail now does), hides
it by automatically putting it into something other than the inbox. It
would be tricky to diagnose any problems from here, but the problems could
have been technical, rather than deliberate.


On 16 March 2014 04:35, Russavia <> wrote:

> Stephen, Charles and John,
> This obviously needs to be answered. If Tony has had his subscription
> cancelled/killed as he claims, this is a serious issue.
> As much as I think Tony is an a-grade twit, he has every right to his
> opinions on matters which relate to Wikimedia in Australia, no matter how
> much we disagree with them.
> I don't see John or Charles doing this, and I hope I am right in that, so
> it could only be Stephen Zhang as supposed by Tony. I hope I am wrong in
> this assertion, and am willing to be corrected on anything I am writing
> here.
> But Stephen, if this is correct, this is not only going to have
> ramifications for you as President of WMAU, but it is seriously going to
> affect your desire to become an admin on English Wikipedia, which is
> something that we all know you greatly desire. To have someone who is
> willing to use such a hammer on someone they disagree with as has occurred
> here, can not and should not be trusted with any tools on any project in
> which they have the ability to block editors. And I am sure that this will
> be referenced in any such request for adminship.
> This is an absolute disgrace, and some explanation is going to be required
> from those who have the ability to make such actions on this list.
> Cheers
> Scotty
> On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 9:01 PM, <> wrote:
>> Dear subscribers
>> I realised in early March that I'd been receiving no automatic email
>> notifications from this public mailing list for some time. Curious, I made
>> a post; it didn't get through. Then I went to the subscribe page and tried
>> to join using my existing address, thinking there'd been some technical
>> glitch that had unsubscribed me. Nope: every attempt to subscribe using the
>> same email failed. I tried my alternate email, and that failed too. When a
>> friend did it for me at a remote location, the alternate email was
>> subscribed immediately. It is under that alternate address that I'm now
>> posting.
>> Through the marvel of human intuition, I think I've worked out that one
>> of the three administrators, Steven Zhang, has placed my long-standing
>> subscription on what is known as a "kill list". I was never informed, and I
>> can't imagine either Charles Gregory or John Vandenberg - the other two
>> administrators - would have agreed to this undercover banning. I believe
>> that both consulting the other administrators and informing the person
>> being banned are standard protocol.
>> I remind subscribers that the chapter doesn't own this mailing list: the
>> WMF does. And I should also point out that under the by-laws I'm still a
>> member of the chapter.
>> I'd like an explanation.
>> Tony Souter
>> Normal email address:
>> _______________________________________________
>> Wikimediaau-l mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> Wikimediaau-l mailing list
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