Povão, me ajuda aqui vai:

On 25 February 2013 10:50, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton <
rodrigo.argen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Bom, para o povo da WMBR, antes de eu fazer uma carta pública como havia
> falado, tentei verificar o que estava havendo por emails, antes de fazer
> uma abertura, já que poderia ser apenas uma questão de falha na comunicação.
> Eu enviei para o Bence um email, entretanto, pelo visto, ele enviou para
> Tomasz e ele resolveu abrir. Preferível assim.
> For AffCom
> We will respond all questions in Meta, including the article and I expect
> the same of you about the statement. Just to be clear the question that
> you make reference is that "I can't see the relation between such an
> organisation and a *distributed institutional design*."  Because, we
> answer here
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Brasil/AffCom#wmbrorganization a
> lot of questions, with no feedbacks.
> Soo... let's move!
> On 25 February 2013 09:25, Tomasz W. Kozłowski <odder.w...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On 25 February 2013 11:28, Rodrigo wrote:
>> > This http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_chapters/Planned_chapters
>> ,
>> > continues with lies, we are waiting for your answers and we didn't make
>> any
>> > moves.
>> First of all, let me mention that calling anything that's posted on
>> that page "a lie" is either an emotional overstatement or an example
>> of not assuming good faith. Seeing that the discussion between
>> Wikimedia Brasil and this Committee has already been quite an
>> emotional one--and this applies to the past Chapters Committee, too,
>> as far as I see--I would have hoped that your communication with us
>> wouldn't contain such allegations.
>> To get to the point, however, I would welcome an explanation of what
>> part of "Incorporated without AffCom approval, against advice. Slowly
>> on-going conversation at Wikimedia_Brasil/AffCom" is not true.
>> > If you take longer than two weeks, we predict that we will not able to
>> > perform the WLM, which was a activities designed for this year, but we
>> need
>> > a government permission to conduct any contest in Brazil.
>> The process of recognising a Wikimedia group as a chapter takes much
>> more than that; reviewing bylaws, putting a Commitee resolution to a
>> vote, and waiting for an official resolution from the Board of
>> Trustess would take at least about six weeks in a perfect world--and
>> seeing that the one we live in is /not/ perfect, I guess that there is
>> no chance to approve Wikimedia Brasil in two weeks.
>> > As the process is not transparent, we do not know what are the questions
>> > that you still have, so please, if you have them, do not come into
>> contact
>> > with our volunteers individually, and ask the questions on Meta
>> > (http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Brasil/AffCom) and we will
>> respond
>> > as soon as possible.
>> As far as I see, there is at least one question that I asked on
>> October 9 that still has not received an answer from any of the
>> members of Wikimedia Brasil. Because it concerns the contents of your
>> bylaws versus the reality, I would very much like to see it answered.
>> > Also, I want a formal and open statement from AffCom about this
>> assertion:
>> > "Incorporated without AffCom approval, against advice"
>> I, on the other hand, want a formal and open statement from Wikimedia
>> Brasil about this article
>> <http://blogs.estadao.com.br/link/wikimedia-brasil-sera-fundada-amanha/>,
>> and especially the opening sentence: "Nesta sexta-feira, 12,
>> voluntários brasileiros da enciclopédia virtual Wikipédia vão
>> institucionalizar suas atividades e fundar a Wikimedia Brasil." as
>> well as a short overview of what happened between 16:00 and 18:00 on
>> October 12, 2012, during the WikiBrasil conference
>> <https://br.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiBrasil_2012>.
>> It is my belief that letting us know about that would greatly enhance
>> the cooperation between Wikimedia Brasil and this Committee, and would
>> be a huge step in moving forward the recognition of your group as a
>> Wikimedia chapter.
>> PS I am CC-ing both the Affiliations Commitee and Wikimedia Brasil's
>> mailing list to this e-mail for transparency's sake. When replying to
>> this message, please keep both parties in the CC, so we don't lose
>> track of things. Thank you.
>> --
>> Tomasz W. Kozłowski
>> a.k.a. [[user:odder]]
> --
> Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton
> rodrigo.argen...@gmail.com
> +55 11 979 718 884

Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton
+55 11 979 718 884
WikimediaBR-l mailing list

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