Is there a prize for answering these questions?

These questions look odd without context/clarification.


On 26 March 2012 11:14, Hisham <> wrote:

> On Mar 26, 2012, at 11:01 AM, Pradeep Mohandas wrote:
> Hi,
> The conversation is moving off topic. Perhaps the question to mull over is
> what to do next?
>    1. How do we move the predominance of media coverage beyond mainstream
>    English print into local language print and other media channels such as
>    radio and the Internet?
>    2. How do we encourage volunteers from as many Indic communities as
>    possible to volunteer for communications activities so that as many
>    languages are covered?
>    3. How do we ensure that news coverage is not all warm fuzzy stuff
>    about Wikipedia - but also provides a call to action to potential newbies
>    as well as links or contacts that they can reach out?
>    4. How do we build and expand our network of media contacts?
>    5. How do we build a toolkit for media/PR/social media such that
>    community members are able to rapidly deploy to support specific
>    initiatives such as Wikiprojects or to celebrate community or project
>    milestones?
>    6. How can we use media to support specific community events such as
>    meet-ups or outreach sessions?
>    7. Can we use media/PR to celebrate editing excellence - by showcasing
>    select articles - and also sharing insights and invitations into the
>    movement that is behind this content?
>    8. Can we acknowledge individual life / wiki stories of editors to
>    promote editor retention and newbie attraction?
>    9. Can we build a digital outreach model that is effective?  What will
>    it take - in terms of resources such as online tutorials or videos or help
>    pages or chat rooms?
>    10. How does a digital outreach model not duplicate existing efforts
>    already underway or in advanced stages of planning?
>    11. Can we integrate community building into the digital outreach
>    model?
>    12. How do we determine if a language community is able to manage the
>    potential newbie load from such a digital outreach model?
>    13. How do we teach the media about the movement and community and
>    projects - given relatively low levels of understanding within such an
>    influential group?
>    14. How do we support a community initiative like Wikipatrika in a
>    manner that it remains entirely owned by the individual community members -
>    but we are still able to help them?  How do we do this without taking away
>    credit and also without building dependence?
>    15. How do we make the India Program monthly newsletters richer and
>    more useful to community members?
>    16. Can we introduce story-telling as a effective means of sharing the
>    work that is done by community members such that we are able to
>    cross-pollinate ideas?
>    17. How can social media be used to drive not just attendance of
>    events (such as photothons) but can be used to introduce newbies to
>    Wikimedia policies?
>    18. How can we adapt the WikimediaIndia handle on facebook so that it
>    expands in popularity - but remains relevant to newbies and more
>    experienced community members?
>    19. How do we build the WikimediaIndia handle on twitter?
>    20. How do we constantly remain on top of trends in social media so
>    that we are present and relevant in channels where potential newbies might
>    be?
>    21. Do we need to localise swag and if so what do we do we need?
>    22. How do we work intimately with the Chapter's communications team -
>    but remain accessible to non-Chapter members as well?
>    23. How do we ensure that everything we do on communications is rooted
>    in community building and not marketing mumbo jumbo?
>    24. How do we measure results in communications?
>    25. How do we constantly ensure that everything done on communications
>    - which will require the communications expertise - can be done in a manner
>    where capability is transferred to interested community members?
> hisham
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