Hi Sudhanwa,

Wikimedia India Chapter is an independent organization and we (the
community) should let it work with at least some level of autonomy.

Oher agencies like WMF, CIS have more liberty due to their organizational

In the name of accountability, if we are going to raise questions like
these, no chapter can make decisions in good faith and act efficiently.

The larger Wikimedia community that works directly on Wikimedia websites
and towards it's mission offline can be considered it's stakeholders.

The chapter can inform this part of the stakeholders through its annual /
half yearly / monthly reports and we have every right to demand such
reports and participate during FDC requests.

But, micro managing like this is not going to help.

If we need better governance, we need to become members of the chapter and
raise such questions as a member.

And that too, we can discuss in Chapter Wiki or Meta (if appropriate).

Every year, tens of people from India attend Wikimania and other national
level events. They are not expected to submit any kind of reports. Don't we
trust that these visits will help the larger movement in some way?

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