
> I'd suggest we use the metrics we did last time:
>       * Number of meetups attended
>       * Duration of contribution to wmke

> I think I forgot some :)
   *A brief explanation of your contribution to WMKE over the past year

So am creating the final Doodle poll but I would like to point out
that NOT all the people who have shown interest meet the above
threshold. We had quite a number of physical meetups last year and am
sorry to say I did not see some of you guys in ALL if not MOST of
them. Since that is part of the Chapters agreed Criteria. I may LOCK
out some participants who DO NOT meet the above threshold.

So if you do not meet the threshold above, Kindly withdraw to save me
the agony of doing so.PLUS WE are still waiting a brief reason of your
contribution to WMKE and WHY you should represent us.

Finally, We had some discussion as to who is eligible to vote too. So
NOT everyone subscribed to this mailing list is eligible. Only persons
who show commitment through contribution to discussions and attending
meetups will be eligible to vote....Same criteria as last year

So get cracking guys...and respond soonest so that I create the poll by today.

All the best,


Limoke Oscar,

WikimediaKE mailing list

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