On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 1:44 PM, Gordon Joly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 20:51 +0000 20/11/08, Michael Peel wrote:
>>On 20 Nov 2008, at 17:25, Gordon Joly wrote:
>>>  At 15:50 +0000 20/11/08, Michael Peel wrote:
>>>>  Ian,
>>>>  On further investigation, a bank account is not needed to open a
>>>>  paypal account, but it is required to withdraw funds from the paypal
>>>>  account.[...]
>>>  But you can transfer to another PayPal account of course!
>>True. Perhaps I should have said "get the money off Paypal".
> The Foundation have a PayPal account,,,,

Yeah but ... well, I'm not going to patronise you here... but it would
be a bit boring if the only thing you could do with the money was to
transfer it to the Foundation, wouldn't it?  ;-)

It might also not look so good when you apply for tax exemption /
deductibility (I don't know whether British authorities really
scrutinize each applicant...but in Switzerland, something like this,
viz. only spending money by forwarding, would be a major obstacle for
the application to succeed).

Michael Bimmler

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