On Tue, 18 May 2010 19:27:38 +0200, Markus Glaser wrote:

> Hi Dan,
> I had these error messages once when I used Firefox 3.6 for testing.
> Until recently, Selenium did not support this browser. Apparently now
> they do, but I did not have a chance to test this yet. So the solution
> for me was to point Selenium to a Firefox 3.5.
> Cheers,
> Markus

Hi Markus,

I thought it might be best to move this discussion off-line for a bit 
until we get the problems sorted out and then post the solution(s) to 
wikitech-l. This thread is getting fairly long and is getting into fairly 
complex issues.

I tried emailing you at the address shown in your posts, but the email 
was returned as undeliverable. My email address is dness...@yahoo.com. If 
you think taking the issue off-line while we sort it out is a good thing 
to do, then email me from some address that I can use and I will update 
you on the status of my attempts to get PagedTiffHandler_tests.php to 
work. As a teaser, it appears there is a problem with the sequence of 
processing vis-a-vis LocalSettings and LocalSeleniumSettings



-- Dan Nessett

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