On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 6:07 AM, Jan Paul Posma <jp.po...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So a few minutes ago we've had a conversation about this. Panos will set up
> a public collaboration space within GRNET. A few developers will be
> (part-time) working on this from February for a (so far) unspecified amount
> of time. The consensus was that it would be good to start off with some
> basic usability testing, to see how well the different tools work for novice
> users. It'll be very basic testing, with about 10 subjects from within GRNET
> (so with a bit of technical bias) but only those who haven't edited before.
> Both Magnus' and my tools will be implemented on a clone of the Greek
> Wikipedia and we will set up a fabricated article that works well with both
> of our editors. It's only about the usability, not about technical aspects
> for now. Both editing tools will have to be adapted and localised, perhaps
> this can even be done by GRNET developers. We'll use my usability script
> that I used before with the Sentence-Level Editing usability research.
> Once this usability testing has been done, we'll decide how to distribute
> the efforts, and what will be done. We'll work closely with the GRNET
> developers to assist them in working on these projects. Once we'll have more
> information it will be posted to this list.

I know I tend to be down on markup-based editors lately but I'm
**super-excited** that there's a bunch of folks actively working on trying
these things out! Participatory open source at its finest. :) Definitely
interested to see the usability testing...

-- brion
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