On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 2:24 PM, Trevor Parscal <tpars...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> "Dynamic linking" implies we have something to dynamically link in the first
> place. A parser library consisting of compiled PHP in this particular case.
> Let's just cross this hypothetical bridge when we come to it, shall we?

I guess, but I'm not sure it'll ever come up.

"Would it be useful to have a library that can convert wikitext to HTML? Yes."

Would it be even more useful to have a standalone program, with
minimal dependencies, that can convert wikitext to HTML?  Hell yeah.

Granted, that's only half the problem.  The other (and much more
difficult) problem is how to convert a *set* of pages (templates and
whatnot) into a single chunk of wikitext, which can then be fed into
the wikitext to HTML parser.  But even without that part it would
still be quite useful to have that standalone wikitext to HTML

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