
<quote name="Guillaume Paumier" date="2013-03-12" time="15:03:04 +0100">
> Hi,
> On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 2:11 AM, Rob Lanphier <ro...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > Short version: This mail is fishing for feedback on proposed work on
> > Gerrit-Bugzilla integration to replace code review tags.
> > I preferred that if we were going to have our own hacky solution, it
> > should at least be implemented as a Gerrit plugin, so that it would at
> > least stand a chance of becoming a well-integrated solution.
> > A Bugzilla-based solution would be an ideal replacement for "fixme",
> > since fixmes are basically bugs anyway.  It would work reasonably well
> > for "scaptrap", since they generally imply something that needs to be
> > done prior to deployment.  It would be an awkward replacement for
> > "backcompat" and others.
> Thank you for this detailed e-mail. One thing I think I'm missing is
> why the bugzilla-based solution is better than the gerrit plugin one.

I've been wavering back and forth on this myself, honestly.

> It seems to me that if the tagging functionality was developed as a
> gerrit plugin, it would have all the advantages of the bugzilla-based
> solution (good integration, etc.) without its drawbacks (awkwardness
> for non-bugs tags, e-mail addresses mismatches, dependency on
> bugzilla).
> Admittedly, I'm not a primary user of gerrit, but I've been pondering
> the idea of using tags in order to surface noteworthy changes, so they
> can be easily listed and communicated about to our users. This would
> make it much easier to identify the "most important changes" on pages
> like https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_1.21/wmf7 , and could
> also perhaps be used for release notes summaries.

So, a few things that are related to the above in no specific order:

1) Major changes/issues aren't always associated with just one merge. In
this case a bug in BZ would be nice as it is more topical as opposed to
tied to a specific merge.

2) Tracking the "most important changes" quality is something I think we
need to do better, but I honestly haven't thought of The One Right Way
(TM) yet. :) I experimented with keeping track of merges that I thought
were interesting via 'starring' them in Gerrit, but the limit there is
those stars are tied to my account, not a shared thing (ie: you can't
add one to the list without having me do it).

Manually adding them to a wiki page is about as productive as something
really unproductive. ;) (I tried that for a bit, too.)

Maybe clicking on a "file bug about this merge" and making that bug
block a Release Notes tracking bug is useful? That also seems less
efficient than a Gerrit "ReleaseNotes/Scaptrap" tag.

3) I have a personal preference for building light-weight tools first to
see if that addresses the need then building more detailed/complex ones
later as needed.

4) A Gerrit-based tagging plugin would need some engineering that might
not be apparent at first blush, for example: who can set tags and remove
them? Does that vary by tag? How could I, for example, keep track of all
scaptrap-type things and be sure I don't miss something because someone
mistakenly removed the scaptrap tag from a merge and I didn't
notice/remember (ie: can I *trust* the tag, both what is there and what
isn't, so I don't have to remember everything/double check every week?).

Just my $0.04 (penny per item).

| Greg Grossmeier            GPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
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