On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 2:43 AM, Greg Grossmeier <g...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> 4) A Gerrit-based tagging plugin would need some engineering that might
> not be apparent at first blush, for example: who can set tags and remove
> them? Does that vary by tag? How could I, for example, keep track of all
> scaptrap-type things and be sure I don't miss something because someone
> mistakenly removed the scaptrap tag from a merge and I didn't
> notice/remember (ie: can I *trust* the tag, both what is there and what
> isn't, so I don't have to remember everything/double check every week?).

I don't think we need to be that granular with the tagging permissions, In
CR we used to just have it so you needed the Coder right, And i'm not aware
of many instances where tagging was abused. You just need to have some sort
of "version" of whom added/removed the tags.

Although there were instances where people forgot to tag changes, But that
is unavoidable no matter what level(/s) of permissions you have.
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