
> I believe we can make installing a fully-featured MediaWiki service system
> as simple as copy&pasting 2-3 lines to a shell, or even executing a remote

I think this is underestimating the issue, unfortunately. I.e., in ideal
situation - the user runs the same system, with the same services and
permissions, that the shell lines were tested on, it probably would work
pretty good. But what if he doesn't? What if he doesn't have root
access? Has non-Linux Unix system? Has custom-built VPS system with
custom-tailored access/capability permissions? Has Windows (not talking
about more exotic systems that do have PHP support)? Has no direct
Internet access? Has security settings that further restrict their
capabilities? Has some of the libraries/packages that our dependencies'
dependencies installed in different versions that support different
options/APIs/command-line parameters? The problem would be not in those
3 shell lines, but in the complexity those lines hide and in the
assumptions those 3 lines make. The difference is between "if this
system runs PHP, you're OK" to "if this system can run this three
scripts which runs a dozen of scripts which invoke a dozen of software
packages with an unknown number of dependencies each and all of them are
OK then you're OK".

The point is more moving parts you add, more potential failures are
there, and these potential failures very soon become real ones when
users start using it in a wide wild world.

And my concern here is that the users - and, more importantly, potential
contributors - faced with these failures, would do what James mentioned
- pack it and move on to something else, which still is "if you have
running PHP, you're OK".

> installer script that runs those lines for you. Additionally, we can offer
> VM images derived from the same install process through Bitnami or others.

VM solves the dependency/environment issue, but running VM on a constant
basis requires some sysadmin skills and knowledge (and much higher
hardware/access requirements) which again means people with no sysadmin
skills would be cut off.
Stas Malyshev

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