Am 06.10.2022 um 13:38 schrieb Kate Chapman:
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the suggestion on possible additions to the recruitment process.

I'm curious about the perception of TechCom being more community oriented than the new process.

Oh I didn't mean to imply that. I was just sharing my experience that asking for nominations worked better than asking for volunteers -- for staff members. TechCom was in theory open to the community, but that never materialized. In that regard, TechCom didn't work any better than TDF.

Regarding the public TechCom meetings. There aren't a bunch of secret Technical Decision Forum meetings going on now that people aren't being invited to. Is the desire to have an IRC meeting at some point in the decision making process to gain input? Or are there other ways people think would be better for contributing?

The IRC meetings helped to raise and focus attention, but they were frantic and participation was very ad-hoc. I personally wouldn't want them back.

With TDF, feedback  gathering happens mostly on google docs. Perhaps that could be done on phabricator instead, or on wiki pages. I think that would be more accessible to the general public. Currently, TDF process tracking in on phab, discussion is on google docs, and publication is on wiki. It might work better to have everything in a singe public place.

Daniel Kinzler
Principal Software Engineer, Platform Engineering
Wikimedia Foundation
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