It is a mixed bag for us.  We have over 80 closets on our campus.   If we
think a location has reliable power, we don’t bother and we just replace a
switch if something happens.  We did identify 5 residential buildings that
have unreliable power so we put UPS’s in them.   The other buildings
literally can stay up all 365 days.  Of course we always use USP’s in our
main computing centers and distribution points.   If by some chance a
switch were to actually get damaged, it is likely the vendor would replace
it for free anyways.   We keep a few spares to handle one or two buildings
quickly if ever necessary.   The economics of not having UPS’s everywhere
can sure buy a lot of switches and other things.  We are not Google or
Amazon so 100% reliability is not worth the cost to us at the edge.


*From:* The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv [mailto:
*Sent:* Thursday, July 20, 2017 10:02 AM
*Subject:* [WIRELESS-LAN] Backup power

Good morning -

I would be interested to know how many of you include UPS purchases for
switches in each network closet in your campus deployments. If you do not
build in backup power, do you put your switches on a maintenance contract,
or do you pay to replace them when they fail outside of warranty?

Thanks very much.


*Sandra H. Bury*

Executive Director, Computing Services

Information Resources and Technology

Bradley University


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