I have designed and deployed in car WiFi for a few folks - one we had a Cat
5 cable that was part of the traveler cable (so certified from a movement
perspective) and the other we had a pair that I used a DSL converter on to
get a few MB of traffic for the AP.

These were all 10+ story buildings.

The AP channel was fixed and discrete from the ones used on each floor -
each car in the bank used the same channel and power setup - rarely did the
cars stay on the same floor except in the late evening - Signal was
basically blocked in the shaft anyway other than when the doors opened.

Results were pretty good for the times and good enough to keep a VoIP call
going in optimal situations (excluding client generated issues)

We looked at P2P from the top of the shaft, but then I visited the top of
one of the shafts and realized the dust and grease and access issues made
it a non-starter.

On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 2:00 PM Michael Cole <mc...@clarku.edu> wrote:

> You'd think this would be pretty straight forward, but with the codes for
> elevators and life safety you might not be able to get a cable in the
> wiring bundle for the car. Or if you can, will the cable take the constant
> bending and unbending...  the Aruba airheads talked about 2 different
> options, an access point in the car, and one on the top of the elevator
> shaft with a directional antenna.
> https://community.arubanetworks.com/t5/Wireless-Access/Coverage-in-elevator-shaft/td-p/196269
> -----Original Message-----
> From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv <
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2019 1:26 PM
> Subject: [EXT] [WIRELESS-LAN] Wi-Fi in the Elevator Car
> Hello,
> Has anyone designed Wi-Fi specifically to work in the elevator car
> itself?  Willing to share your experience?
> Thanks,
> --
> Curtis K. Larsen
> Senior Wi-Fi Network Engineer
> University of Utah Network Services
> Office 801-587-1313
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*John Turner* - *Head of Customer Success*
*jtur...@nyansa.com <jtur...@nyansa.com>*
(339) 225-0198
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