"My goal is to gain the High Arpu business."

Tom, that is exactly where Alvarion excels and why it is my opinion that
the more premium an operator becomes in the total quality of their
service, the more likely an operator is to choose Alvarion. And these
customers have different service level expectations that go far beyond
the speed. They require a reliable connection that they can essentially
forget about. Any connection that draws the attention of the end
customer is a bad connection, because something is happening that forces
them to deal with it. That is a distraction. That leads to a sense of
insecurity, which is something a high ARPU customer will not tolerate
over time.

So Alvarion radios are built and given feature sets that allow an
extreme level of customization (lots of depth in the VLAN abilities for
example) and reliability (both physical and in terms of link stability).
As well, as an operator you are able to pull a huge variety of
statistics to reduce trouble shooting time when you do have to trouble

And on the basic level, the way our radios use the air means we scan
scale high ARPU customers better per sector than any other UL brand.
That is especially true is you are offering more than just "high speed
Internet access" such as VLANs and services like VoIP. 

It is plenty true that there have been numerous small WISPs that have
left Alvarion (something I am going to work hard to change), but I have
never met a SCALED operator that switch FROM Alvarion. I have met
countless though that have moved to us as they have reached the stage
where they need to become higher end providers. You are a prototypical
example of such a WISP. John's is such a case. Marty's Roadstar is one
of the most classic examples, having moved from 802.11b to Trango to

Now for sure we are not perfect and we have our share of quirks, but we
are out there still investing heavily (millions) in this unlicensed
market, including on the product front. And we are fiscally very healthy
and always have been. We are a horse a long term operator can tie his
cart to. And I cannot understate how important that is. Many companies
and all the huge telecom equipment providers (including Moto) are not
investing in fixed now hardly at all, much less unlicensed fixed. 

Patrick Leary
AVP WISP Markets
Alvarion, Inc.
o: 650.314.2628
c: 760.580.0080
Vonage: 650.641.1243

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