Ralph, your looking at this from the wrong angle. With the Trango / MT situation, we HOPE that they are certified, because that will mean it's much easier to get our own flavor of MT cm9 certified and that MT actually is involved in certification efforts. Till now there has been no indication they and others are.

The crux of this ongoing argument is did someone certify a MT, routerboard, cm9 system? Skip the already certified Trango components.

What we all want is this stuff to get certified, and your right on track to push for certification. It will benefit us all.

ralph wrote:
And so they should. FCC rules are not jokes. They have real fines.
Just because folks have "always done it this way" and see "everyone else
doing it" doesn't exonerate them from wrongdoing.
Using uncertified systems is just plain illegal. Period.

There are people in WISPA who have pictures of installations on their web
sites clearly showing amplifiers and homemade "systems".  Some of the rest
of you continue to make postings and saying that you are violating the regs.
Now we have this discussion about Trango. Because Trango has some MT
components in a certified system (which they may or not do- I don't follow
Trango), now all of a sudden we are trying to imagine that these components
must now be legal for *everyone* to use in whatever configuration they want,
as well.

What part of this do you guys not "get"?  Most of you guys pay your taxes
don't you? You buy license plates for your vehicles don't you?  If you have
towers that require lighting, you light them, don't you? Would your excuses
work to protect you if you don't do that?
Those of us who obey the rules aren't paranoid about it at all. Its only
those who don't and are now realizing that they can lose their businesses
over this.
As I have said many times:  Folks- tell/show your vendors that you are not
going to use illegal systems. Look at Deliberant at an example of someone
"building from modules" and getting certified. Those guys have it together!

Does there have to be an example case where someone gets fined to make you
guys see this?


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Mike Hammett
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 12:29 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] School WiFi / Wireless info ?

People really are getting paranoid about MT certification lately.

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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