The next political grandstanding we see I will request the person(s) responsible get a week away from the list. This is NOT a place to spew your politics.

Alan Cain wrote:

Michael Erskine wrote:

Jack Unger wrote:


OK but please clarify. No need to be vague here.

Who was paranoid and/or what was the "slip"?


Michael Erskine wrote:

Jack Unger wrote:

For the moment anyway, it appears that ISPs will not be required to block websites based on either "suspicion" or on the orders of governmental agencies that may or may not have specific political motivations to deny free speech in the name of protecting public "security" or "safety".


Then there appears to be nothing to be either overly political in our comment or excessively paranoid in our thinking? That is good. Therefore let us try not to do that. Leadership is a tough place to stand neutral politically and it is understandable that the occasional slip happens. Never the less, politics ans paranoia are not the purpose of WISPA.


Jack I quoted the pertinents. There is no reason to suggest that "governmental agencies" with "political motivations" would try to "deny free speech" in the name of "protecting security or safety".

My son (the Iraq war combat veteran with a purple heart) and I talked the other day. He goes back next week.

I said, "Son, are we winning the war?"

He said, "That depends upon your definition of winning?"

He explained that he and his brothers are "bait". Yep, his words exactly. They are "bait" because Al Queda is too damn stupid to simply come to the US and kill people. They take the easy target, Americans in Iraq. Most folks don't get that. I got it from day one... six years ago. You see, they can kill our children in Iraq, or they can kill our people in Boston, New York, or wherever.

Then he said, "but if you define winning as a self sustaining, independant, Iraqui government, that is going to take ten years."

What does that mean to you and me?

It means that Iraq is going to belong to Iran or Syria before it becomes a democracy.

It means that you are going to be paying $5.00 per gallon before you are paying $2.50 per gallon.

Vote for the liberal, pro gay, female of your choice...

Is Ron Paul liberal and pro-gay, or would Bloomberg be more fun?

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